I discovered Gemini last year and have been wanting to start a gemlog ever since. As a serial early adopter going back to the 90s, the running joke among my friends is that if they are just discovering a service or protocol I am already on it. This time I might be the only one on it, and that's ok.
I haven't had a blog for years, over a decade probably. That's a failing of mine more than any one platform. Writing is a habit, and habits are both made and broken. I'm not sure that breaking a healthy habit like writing is as bad as breaking a bad habit like smoking is good, but it certainly lessened my life. I enjoy writing. I always have.
What to write about, then? The plan for now is whatever damn fool tech/programming thing is distracting me at the moment.
I've recently been (re)learning FreeBasic after using it to write some tools for a job 15 years ago, which really speaks to the endurance of that project. My biggest complaint is the console handling, but that's a complaint with modern Windows than the language itself. If I want better console handling under Windows, there's always C#...
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