MIDI pitch_wheel_change

MIDI has a pitch_wheel_change event that may do things, and the things done may vary by playback device, which suggests writing some tests scripts to delve into how this event works.


This script maps a sin() function to pitch_wheel_change events with options that dictate the range of change, how quickly the change happens for, and etc.


And this one alternates between to adjacent pitches, applying the (positive) range of pitch_wheel_change values to the lower of the pitch.

    $ doas pkg_add fluidsynth generaluser-gs-soundfont lmms
    $ perl midiwarble.pl
    $ fluidsynth -i /usr/local/share/generaluser-gs/GeneralUser_GS.sf2 out.midi >/dev/null

MIDI files could also be sent to a synthesizer, and after some screwing around in LMMS,






    [userfxnet] who playin dis, dis sounds massive asf

tags #composition #lmms #midi #music

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