citation: Thank you for Arguing

Heinrichs, Jay. Thank You for Arguing: What Aristotle, Lincoln, and Homer Simpson Can Teach Us about the Art of Persuasion. Broadway Books, 2020.







disputes for arguing or attacking

character references

more disinterest

an atom on providing choices

exploring expectations

craft and competence

to gain trust in making a decision

this-not-that figure

definition: Persuasive use of order

an atom of rhetoric regarding straight shooters

changing position

Aristotle’s (three most powerful) tools of persuasion

definition: Dirimens copulatio

definition: argumentum a fortiori


ethos, logos, and pathos

quote of argument vs fight

Cicero’s Five-Step method for constructing a speech

appear to sacrifice for an inevitable choice

TYFA Chapter Two Summary

the mood of the audience (pathos)

definition: concession

deliberative argument

the reluctant conclusion

core issues of argument

TYFA Chapter One Summary

definition: Enthymeme

decorum, expectations, and ethos

Aristotle’s 3 essential qualities of persuasive ethos

goals for an argument

updated: 2022-12-07 23:50:07 -0500

generated: 2023-09-17