2022-07-15 Introducing AuraGem Music

AuraGem Music is a free music hosting service that will let you upload mp3's via Titan to your own *private* library so that you can play them from the capsule using your identity certificate. Because of limited storage, there is a quota system, which you can find more information about on the capsule.

AuraGem Music

Currently only mp3s are supported. However, support for ogg's will be added later. Files that are identical, excluding audio header and footers, as well as tags, will be deduplicated to save on space. This ensures that users have full advantage of as much space as is possible. The quota system will take deduplication into account by splitting the quota of identical songs between all users who have uploaded that song. It is assumed that uploaded music has been purchased, unless other evidence can be shown, within a DCMA request, to prove otherwise.

Music uploads remain private to the user that uploaded them and is not distributed to others on the capsule. Legally, users may only upload music that they have purchased. However, AuraGem Music will *not* be proactive in taking down pirated music, unless a DMCA request has been received that significantly proves the media was pirated. In that case only, will DMCA requests be complied with. Users are solely responsible for uploading pirated music.

AuraGem Music will not break DRM, in compliance with US and UK law. Uploads must be DRM-free at the time of uploading. Users are solely responsible for breaking DRM prior to uploading to the service. DMCA requests will be complied with only if it was significantly proven that the user broke DRM prior to uploading to the service. Again, AuraGem will not be proactive in taking down music with DRM that was broken prior to uploading to the service, unless a DMCA request has been received with significant proof.

Information on the contents of users' private libraries will remain private and will not be given out on request unless a sufficient warrant has been obtained by the requesters.

Lastly, AuraGem Music will always remain free to use. However, because this service is run solely by one individual, it cannot be guaranteed that the service will not shut down in the future due to financial issues, server issues, etc. I do not ever intend to sell this service to any companies unless they are FOSS-Oriented and non-profit.

Email me if you have any further questions:

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