Here's the exact text in the notes app, with names redacted for privacy.
"man you think this world is all unicorns and rainbows"
Never said that, I do think life's a bitch but that's how it is and I just have to figure that shit out.
"I hate to say it but your bubble is about to burst"
I don't like bubbles >:(
"If I thought P was a cover you eyes a [r] do you think I'd let him into the house?"
Well you do, but any case no because you care so much for us that you'd sacrifice your own shit thoguhts to let us talk to someone who's black. Thank christ you have done such a good deed 🥺
"See to you [r] is a ethnicity or race"
[r]: noun -- a contemptuous term for a black or dark-skinned person.
Frankly I agree with the dictionary definition. You're partially right by saying it's ethnicity but you miss the point that it's fucking rude. Slave owners called their slaves that, people that want to kill black people say that. You're intentionally leaving out the part that it's derogatory. It's clear you watch too much fox news lol
"It's not, negger is a worthless person who takes and doesn't contribute and thinks everything is owed to them."
Had to look this one up because I thought it was a bullshit word, but it's a real word and you're using it wrong. Negger is not a word in the English dictionary but is in the urban dictionary (that's how you know it's a real saying everyone uses.) And it's, according to urban dictionary, is "one who negs". That doesn't match the definition you gave me and is a half assed attempt to just say a racial slur. Even IF that was a word and you used it in the right context you should clarify to EVERYONE you have said that word to and tell that it's actually negger, with an e. But I don't believe you'd do that.
"They chose to be a victim even though they have been born in the greatest country in the world and have every bit of chance of building a life from nothing like I have.."
People don't choose to be victims most of them time, life can deal you a shit hand. How is this country the greatest? In what way? Economically? Ethically? You gotta be specific when you make a point and not be nationalistic. You had a "chance" beause mom left. I genuinely think that id mom kept up with your meth shit we'd all be in a worse place than now. Though you still seem to love meth- oh wait I'm sorry Adderall 🙄.
"You are stuck on this bullshit called equity."
Looked it up to make sure I have the right definition. It means being fair. I am totally for that, yeah.
"That's not how it works"
"It's equality meaning that it doesn't matter who or where you come from you have the same right to bust your ass to get ahead.."
Then become a billionaire? If everyone's on an equal playing field you should become a billionaire like all the other ones in no time! Please tell me how I misinterpreted this sentence and I'll gladly tell you what what you say is stupid.
"You fucking think that people just pay me more than 8-g of the other workers because they like me even though I have a niche grade education. Fuck no I get paid more because I work hard and produce more than everyone else."
Wrong use of the word niche, showing your educational status, but anyways... I don't think that. But I do think that it's a bit fucked that the same person who said the pay shouldn't matter as long as I love the job is now being money obsessed. Do you think we live thousands of years ago where if you didn't do your job the world falls apart? That ain't how it works. YOu can easily get replaced. You are nothing in the cog of a big enough company, but keep choking on that corporate cock I bet it tastes real nice! 😃
"Not to mention I never say the word [r] I say [a]"
Asked O, you called P the hard r. Also still not cool to say that at all.
"But back in my day that's a term of endearment"
Are we back in the day? No dumbass it's 2023. Society changes wether you like it or not.
"You're really going to make this the hill you die on."
I am.
"You have no idea how much you need people to get where you want to go your family is one you probably should hold onto just saying"
I got people to hold onto, they're just not y'all.
"Still love you"
Eat shit.