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════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════════Temple of the Screaming Engineer═══╝ 

About this capsule

Metro Holografix is currently served directly from the lair by an instanse of agate running on Ashpool. Eventually this will move to something cooler/more minimal.

It is a collection of static files, some will eventually be generated by scripts/sysd timers, but at this point I have no need for actual CGI.

It has been tested/is working on Lagrange and Amfora. As a general rule, no preformatted text blocks will exceed 128 cols. A little more than the traditional 80, but hey, you're on a widescreen now, right?

A bunch of inspiration for the general tone/aesthetic here comes from William Gibson's The Sprawl Trilogy, mostly because I needed a new handle, and thefinn seemed like a good fit.

I have no idea what I'm going to put here yet.

About TheFinn

The Finn is an antisocial man, and his personality seems to degrade over time.

TheFinn, Scarlett, their kids, and dogs occupy meatspace somewhere south of -43°.

When not jacked-in I'm busy working as a systems engineer, fixing the lair (which really is an ancient house filled with clutter), or hanging out with Scarlett.

I'm a Linux/UNIX/computer/systems nerd, a music enthusiast, packrat, hacker, father, idea haver, starter of 9000 projects, caffinated, grumpy.


matrix: @thefinn:deepspace.cafe


Capsules I like



The Finn's character page on fandom.com