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📆 April 8, 2022 | ⏱️ 1 minute read | 🏷️ computing

Taking Back The Web With Haketilo

About a month ago, I announced my LibrePlanet presentation[1] "Taking Back The Web With Haketilo". In case you missed the livestream, there's now a final, edited copy available on the LibrePlanet website[2]. Find the direct link here[3].

There is room for self-improvement, but I think the final copy turned out fine and I attribute that to the rehearsing I did the weeks prior to the talk. If you have extra time, please also watch Amin Bandali's talk "The Net Beyond The Web[4]". Find the direct link here[5].

Diversity of opinion is important when we're talking about solutions for the Web. I shouldn't be the only voice on such a big topic. So if you watch my presentation, please watch his as well.


🔗 [1]: I announced my LibrePlanet presentation

🔗 [2]: LibrePlanet website

🔗 [3]: here

🔗 [4]: The Net Beyond The Web

🔗 [5]: here

Copyright 2019-2023 Nicholas Johnson. CC BY-SA 4.0.