Duncan Bayne's Gemlog

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2023-08-10 Self-hosted Web and Gemini

2023-02-07 A billing gotcha with AWS Workspaces and Directory Service

2023-01-22 Laid off in the latest round of redundancies at Redbubble

2023-01-06 Experimenting with a public inbox

2023-01-04 Finding and pretty-printing many emails

2022-12-14 COVID again

2022-10-10 Back to Android (for the time being)

2022-09-25 Spotify running on FreeBSD

2022-09-24 My Gemlog is now built with Kiln

2022-07-18 Replacing an X250 trackpad destroyed by a Slurpee

2022-07-10 Garden photography

2022-07-06 Gemini, sourcehut, and COVID-19

2022-06-21 First post



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© Duncan Bayne 2022 - 2023. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

Built with Kiln