Martin's capsule

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- I'm Martin, clehaxze is my domain

Hi there! You might know me from TLGS, the search engine I built. This is my personal capsule and where I collect my thoughts. I'm an open source-loving developer, weeb, VRChat addict and generally intrested in technology. So expect related posts on here. I am, however, not a tech pessimist. No one can stop tech development. The best we can do is to avoid the harms that tech can make. This site also has a fantasy HTTP version. Visist the following link:

The HTTP version of the capsule

Contact me

About me


I blog every now and then. The following link will take you to the full list of my posts. You can also find the 5 most recent posts below.

Gemlog archive

2023-09-25 Using llama-cpp-python server with LangChain

2023-09-17 Hardware accelerated playback on PineTab 2 (RK3566)

2023-09-15 RE: On using Pinyin

2023-09-02 Benchmarking RK3588 NPU matrix multiplication performance EP2

2023-08-28 Adding a fan to my OrangePi 5+

There's also an Atom feed for my blog:

Atom Feed for Matin's Capsule

Public service

I host and maintain the TLGS search engine. Besides that, I serveral GNUnet nodes that helps maintain the network and helps people to connect to the network.

TLGS Gemini Search Engine

GNUnet - The Internet of tomorrow needs GNUnet today

Smolnet software

TLGS - source code for my TLGS search engine

dremini - C++ server and client library for Gemini

spartoi - C++ server and client library for Spartan protocol

If you like what I do. Considering donating to my Monero address

QR code for my Monero address

The content on this cite is all CC-BY-SA (or MIT/GPLv3+ dual license for code)