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Assistant Professor

Chair for Philosophy and Political Theory

LMU Munich



About Me

My research focuses on the political ethics of the oppressed and on the morality of violent and non-violent resistance.

I hold a Ph.D. in political theory from Harvard University, where I was a graduate fellow of the E. J. Safra Center for Ethics and an inaugural awardee of the Government Department's Sidney Verba Prize for Excellence in Undergraduate Teaching. I also hold an M.Phil. in political theory from the University of Oxford and an A.B. in philosophy from Georgetown University.

I go by my middle name, Tweedy.

Curriculum Vitae [txt]

Curriculum Vitae [pdf]


Futile resistance as protest (2023)

From self-defense to political violence (2021)

Do we have reasons to obey the law? (2020)

The small improvement argument, epistemicism, and incomparability (2018)

On discount rates in the cost-benefit analysis of climate change (2011)


Google Scholar Profile [www]

PhilPeople Profile [www]

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