       .'.:::::::`.   Petros Katiforis (Πέτρος Κατηφόρης)
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     ;.::  /  _~~_    Want to ask any question or perhaps share your thoughts?
     ;    |   C ..\   Feel free to contact me! <pkatif@mail.com>
     |    ;   \  _.)
      \   |   /  \    This post was published on the 12th of August, 2023
       *~. \ / \)\)
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Don't listen to popular software recommendations!

It seems to me that due to the relentless propaganda and advertising people all around the world experience daily, most popular recommendations and so-called "no-brainer choices" are nearly always contaminated with ethical flaws, bugs and frankly with just inferior quality and performance. What makes this possible are the big companies backing them up. Most programmers recommend Visual Studio, Visual Studio Code or perhaps Sublime Text and surprisingly enough all three of these code editors get the worst scores on respect of user freedom, speed and practicality. When somebody wants to quit Windows because they just don't want to be a product of a monopoly, they are more than usually advised to check out Ubuntu. Ubuntu contains advertisements, includes search tracking and once again doesn't respect its users. Out of all the available hundreds of distributions out there, they favor Ubuntu: It's nothing but a result of Canonical's effective marketing strategy, one that no other collaborative truly open source distro can ever compete with.

Companies favor public image over product quality. This is why Apple products are popular, this is why billions of people are running social media daemons on their phones all day long and this is why libre software is not popular enough. Unless you really trust who you're taking to and they've proven time and time again that they're not a victim of commercial propaganda, you should really just not listen to their advice! Quality software needs to be searched: Products that are striving to get your attention are most certainly investing for your future enslavement.

Where can I search for quality software?

If you're looking for libre and quality software, you can just visit any public repository collection out there, such as Github or much preferably Codeberg, Gitea etc. A great way to start is to visit a respectable figure's personal webpage (e.g. Richard Stallman) or their gemini capsule and profit from their experience-based setup descriptions. You won't find anything of value at Youtube, Reddit or Discord!