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๐ Hey, I created Station. I love writing code, building things and learning languages. Mi parolas Esperanton.
๐ Manchester, UK
๐ฃ Followers 206 ยท Following 387 ยท Logs 244 ยท Docked 2 years ago
Here in the UK it's a holiday today, but that ain't stopping me โ today I'm drinking Mate and writing code, and I'd rather be doing nothing else. Surely you're all doing something far more interesting, right?
๐ฌ 4 Replies ยท 3 Thumbs ยท 2 years ago
I just pushed an update to Station so that mentions (using an @ symbol before a user's name) now works. If you're mentioned, you'll see a notification on your profile page letting you know.
๐ฌ 0 Replies ยท 4 Thumbs ยท 2 years ago
It's really awesome seeing people joining Station and posting stuff. Makes the late nights over the last few weeks totally worth it.
๐ฌ 3 Replies ยท 7 Thumbs ยท 2 years ago
Hello! After a few weeks of tinkering, Station is finally live. If you like the idea of a text-based mini social network for gemini, create an account and hang out. โ๏ธ