馃懡 mntn

Just discovered the world of low power fanless x86 thin clients on eBay. At least one of the Wyse models supports up to 16GB ECC RAM and has a decent (2GHz quad core) processor, and you can get it for $30 if you are patient. I see a bargain basement server in my future...

2 years ago 路 馃憤 bencollver, lykso, kevinsan, francois2, steve_dracula, thenextseldoncrisis


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4 Replies

馃懡 gnuserland

I guess the option "buy it now" is worthy, regarding the bid for the PB which is has not value even for collectionist, I think I was been a "victim" of price race scheme.

I am pretty sure the two accounts who were competing with me were fakes, probably belong to the same person who started the auction. 路 1 year ago

馃懡 mntn

@gnuserland Bids are tough without automated tools, but sometimes you get a good "buy it now" price from someone who just wants to offload the item. Surprised that a used Pinebook fetched such a price. Do you mean the first-gen one? Maybe a collector since they don't make them anymore... 路 1 year ago

馃懡 gnuserland

to me ebay looks a joke, I found a Pinebook at $45 5 days ago, I did a bid for $46; 3 days after suddenly was at $55 with 4 offers more.

Today has been sold at $145... 馃槺


The PB was not even worth the initial $45, clearly there is a scheme behind and well trusted accomplices. 馃 路 1 year ago

馃懡 mntn

(I do despise the wintel platform but there's some things that still don't like to run on ARM. Plus ECC still sadly lacks support with most ARM boards.) 路 2 years ago