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[SPEC] Backwards-compatible metadata in Gemini

Oliver Simmons oliversimmo at gmail.com

Tue Feb 23 20:32:20 GMT 2021

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On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 19:09, <nothien at uber.space> wrote:

# Metadata for Presentation

Metadata is NOT for presentation.

# Metadata for the Document
What's the /point/ of standardizing a format for providing metadata
about a document? Seriously, I don't understand. What's the benefit of
letting a client know who the author is? If you, an author, want users
to know that you wrote something, just write "I wrote this". These
kinds of proposals are unnecessary.

Myself I've more been thinking of the how and not the why with this,and I apologise for that.Most of the examples given here are pretty pointless for clients,nobody has suggested any uses for metadata other than to replace thefavicon thing, author, and the "when" of the document.The only major uses I can think of is for orbits (webrings), and itwould help search engines.It's pretty pointless.

Read the spec, read the FAQ, read the companion
documents, read the mailing list, and /understand/ the spirit of Gemini.

I would hope everyone here has.

We have over 200 individual pieces of software which use Gemini in its current state.
This makes Gemini /very/ resistant to change, because we don't have the
manpower to update all of that software. This is why the spec is now in
a near-freeze state - all we want to do now is make clarifications to
the existing spec and to not add new things.

All existing software would still work. This is only an addition.About the freezing, I got the impression it was only the protocol thatwas frozen.

On Tue, 23 Feb 2021 at 19:23, Julien Blanchard <julien at typed-hole.org> wrote:

We should always consider underpowered devices, screen readers, people with a slow internet connection. I know TLS is already a burden for some of these cases so let’s not add more data to transfer.

I don't see how adding a few lines would cause much of an issue?