馃懡 ivanodin

Any service or kind of information you miss in Gemini that maybe would reduce your time in the "regular" web?

1 month ago 路 馃憤 ruby_witch, astromech, cobradile94


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10 Replies

馃懡 acidus

Thanks for the kind words @ivanodin. Stuff like this makes my day 路 3 weeks ago

馃懡 ivanodin

@acidus I started using NewsWaffle with the news site I visit and works like a charm. Thanks! Chilly Weather I use everyday for a long time :) 路 1 month ago

馃懡 acidus

I honestly just built what I needed and hosted it for folks on my capsule.

Wikipedia proxy? Gemipedia!

News website proxy? NewsWaffle!

Weather? Chilly Weather!


These days I honestly spend my time reading the new content people write, and publish on gemini more than needing to build gateways to existing web content. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 xoagray

@resetreboot Didn't know about it. I've only known about Gemini for about a week or so, I'm still learning my way around and finding out what's here. I didn't even know you could "@ name" reply to people. But that's cool. :) 路 1 month ago

馃懡 resetreboot

@xoagray I take it you haven't checked bbs.geminispace.org ? 路 1 month ago

馃懡 astromech

More tutorials and guides on most topics would help greatly.

If you have a capsule, please start making more helpful info. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 userfxnet

@ruby_witch there actually used to be a youtube proxy up and running here, enabled via a user that went under the tag "AuraGem", who also had a few other apps up their sleeves that used to be hosted on their capsule.

They kinda j disappeared some time ago, w/ their domain going under, and total silence after their last post on here. It's a shame, it was a really great proxy, tho it did start breaking as Youtube started changing up their API in relation to forcing ad breaks and getting past adblock exploits. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 xoagray

These things might already exist, but a site like the old Livejournal, whre you could post, people could reply, and conversations could happen. A lot like this, but more interactive and without the 900 odd character restriction. I'm thinking of other things too, but that's the first one that comes to mind with as text oriented as this place is. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 jr_the_frog

Same with youtube, also a way to translate webpages. 路 1 month ago

馃懡 ruby_witch

If somebody could get a YouTube proxy working on here then I'd be just about done with the big web for good, other than when I have to deal with my bank or hospital. 馃槃 路 1 month ago