Keeping it simple
When looking for software, I’ve found that it’s best for me when I can keep my focus on the task ahead, being efficient, and having some freedom to costumize a bit. For such reasons I noticed that utilizing software via command line (and plain text) achieved such intents better than with the usual graphical alternatives (especially with being less distracted). It makes me less prone to spend more time in front of a screen as I would like to.
Not being a tech person myself, I thought this would be impossible. But, to my surprise, there are great and easy programs that allow me to do most things I need. Its simplicity and efficiency turned out to be very helpful. It helps me to learn and understand better what I am doing with technology, having a more ethical and sustainable (using less resources) use of it.
Regardless of having a command line interface (cli) or a graphical interface (gui), I do prefer to choose free software (free as in freedom, not gratis). I find this approach to be more respectful to all of us. I appreciate it’s community aspect, and being able to financially support and engage with developers and projects I enjoy.
For more I would suggest:
brief explanation about Free Software.
Bitreich - project to make the open source world a bit better.