Quick recipe, compile PostgREST (M1)

These are my quick notes for compiling PostgREST on a M1 Mac Mini. I use a similar recipe for building PostgREST on Linux.

1. Install GHCup[1] to get a good Haskell setup (I accept all the default choices) a. Use the curl example command to install it b. Make sure the environment is active (e.g. source $HOME/.ghcup/env)

2. Make sure GHCup is pointing at the "recommended" versions of GHC, Cabal, etc. (others may work but I prefer the stable releases)

3. Clone https://github.com/PostgREST/postgrest[2] to your local machine

4. Check out the version you want to build (e.g. v11.1.0)

5. Run the "usual" Haskell build sequence with cabal a. cabal clean b. cabal update c. cabal build d. cabal install

Here's an example of the shell commands I run (I'm assuming you're installing GHCup for the first time).

1: https://www.haskell.org/ghcup/

2: https://github.com/PostgREST/postgrest

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf https://get-ghcup.haskell.org | sh
source $HOME/.gchup/env
ghcup tui
mkdir -p src/github.com/PostgREST
cd src/github.com/PostgREST
git clone git@github.com:PostgREST/postgrest
cd postgrest
cabal clean
cabal update
cabal build
cabal install

This will install PostgREST in your $HOME/.cabal/bin directory. Make sure it is in your path (it should be if you've sourced the GHCup environment after you installed GHCup).