Exasperated With Government Inaction At Illinois Department of Insurance, I’m Going Public From Now On. More GEICO and Liberty Mutual stuff.

Exasperated With Government Inaction At Illinois Department of Insurance, I’m Going Public With Insurance Company Crap From Now On.

"Illinois Department of Insurance Fails To Investigate CUNA Mutual Group’s Involvement With Murder-For-Hire Plot, Insurance Fraud, and MOVEit Data Breach, Again."

To summarize, I have other beef with the IDOI. I’ve complained to them about three other problems, one of which I’ve blogged about before.

Here are the summaries and the current state of the complaint.

GEICO: During my April-October policy, they emailed me a “survey link” to update my annual mileage, under threat to increase it to 12,000, the “State average”, and bill me for it if I didn’t reply. I replied and said something like 5,000-6,999, which is true. GEICO raised my bill by about 10% and set my mileage at 12,000 anyway. I only caught it because I checked my policy (how many people do?) and found this. When I called to complain, GEICO acted like it was a mistake and refunded the difference.

Complaint to IDOI apparently was never acted upon and got lost in their move to “SalesForce Cloud”.

Liberty Mutual: Wouldn’t write me a policy, because “reasons”, which they weren’t clear on. They claimed it had something to do with my FICO score, which is 698 right now, which should be decent enough to get an insurance policy.

They also claimed I was currently uninsured even though I’ve had GEICO since April 2021 and before that I had MetroMile. When I attempted to correct them, they told me tell it to LexisNexis Risk Solutions, which denied me access to my own CLUE report, which is a violation of the FACT Act, which is Federal Law.

Complaint to IDOI that I should have been offered a policy even if they wanted to offer me a bad one is “pending”.

GEICO (again): Last year, I went to Springfield, and on my way back a rock struck my windshield and scratched it. GEICO sent Safelite out, assessed the damage, told me there was no repair, and it was a $0 No Fault Claim.

When I went shopping for Progressive Insurance, they told me I failed to report a claim of “$1,000 worth of glass damage” and they were upping my proposed premium by about $54.

I contacted GEICO, which refused to remove the false information that they reported to CLUE, and they told me to contact LexisNexis, which violated the FACT Act again.

Complaint to IDOI that GEICO as the supplier of false credit reporting information has refused to remove or amend it pending. They can absolutely delete it, they just refuse to. GEICO even told me that they don’t consider it in my quote with them, so I additionally complained that this seems to be a plot and a scheme to trap customers with GEICO with fictitious information reported to a credit bureau.