Operator Precedence

Operator Precedence:

Category          Operator                            Associativity

Postfix           () [] -> . ++ - -                   Left to right
Unary             + - ! ~ ++ - - (type)* & sizeof     Right to left
Multiplicative    * / %                               Left to right
Additive          + -                                 Left to right
Shift             << >>                               Left to right
Relational        < <= > >=                           Left to right
Equality          == !=                               Left to right
Bitwise AND       &                                   Left to right
Bitwise XOR       ^                                   Left to right
Bitwise OR        |                                   Left to right
Logical AND       &&                                  Left to right
Logical OR        ||                                  Left to right
Conditional       ?:                                  Right to left
Assignment        = += -= *= /= %=>>= <<= &= ^= |=    Right to left
Comma             ,                                   Left to right