7 Sep
“This beautiful garden offers a tranquil place where people with additional needs can relax and enjoy the shrubs, flowers and various sensory equipment on offer. Unfortunately, this has now been temporary interfered with by these individuals.
“The vandals and thugs who carried out this damage have absolutely no regard to the service users within the IWA Centre. These thugs feel it is an act of bravado to break windows and damage sensory equipment that are so important for the wellbeing of those people with additional needs.
“On a number of occasions in the past I have raised such ongoing issues with the Gardai pertaining to a number of youth gangs who are causing havoc to property and distress to people around the town and who have no fear of being caught.
“I have since reported this recent vandalism to the Gardai in addition to my previous pleas and I do know that they are following up on a definite line of inquiry.
“My tolerance in relation to these vandals is zero and every effort needs to be made to remove them off our streets. To be honest, these individuals are under the age of 18 years so I do feel that their parents who receive children’s allowance from this State should also be held responsible in some way, if they are not able to control their children,” Cllr Keena asserted.
Carn Park trail link project at Baylin
Meanwhile, Cllr Keena confirmed to the Athlone Advertiser this week that a new and exciting boardwalk trail project for the Baylin area has progressed to the next stage of planning and ultimate fruition
“Further to the excellent foresight and work of the Baylin Development and Residents Association a new and exciting boardwalk trail project for the Baylin area has progressed to the next stage of planning and ultimate fruition, local Fianna Fáil councillor Frankie Keena stated this week.
“This group was successful in securing funding under the Outdoor Recreational Infrastructure Scheme to conduct a feasibility study for the provision of a boardwalk across Carn Park Bog linking the Baylin Bog trail and Carn Park forest trail. The potential benefits of this to students for educational walks and indeed the wider community for recreation is vast.
“Now, thanks to the administrative support of the Municipal District of Athlone-Moate, this feasibility report has been completed and submitted for Part VIII planning with the option for the public to make observations. If this planning is approved it will then pave the way for an application to be made to the Department under Measure 3 ORIS funding for implementation of the boardwalk.
“The most recent project delivered by the dedicated members within the Baylin Development and Residents Group was the development of the Baylin Bog Trail including the extension of a footpath out from the village which has created a very popular 2.5 kilometre walking loop. This was kindly funded under the Just Transition Funds,” Cllr Keena stated.