Rory Mooney, 7 Sep
The go-ahead has been given for over 200 new residential dwellings in
Derry City and Strabane District Council’s Planning Committee this week
approved planning permission for 244 residential dwellings and
associated facilities as part of the land zoned for residential
development known as H1B of the Derry Area Plan in the Upper Galliagh
Road area of Derry.
Approval was given to two separate applications in the zoned housing
lands which included a Reserved Matters Application for 169 dwellings –
22 detached, 110 semi-detached, 24 apartments and 13 townhouses - as
part of plans to develop lands to the north and northwest of the
western roundabout on the Skeoge Link Road, south of Beragh Hill Road,
South and East of the Upper Galliagh Road, Derry.
The second application related to Full Planning Permission for the
development of 75 dwellings -48 semi-detached and 27 detached homes -
as part of plans to develop lands to the north of the western
roundabout on the Skeoge Link Road, south of Beragh Hill Road, East of
Upper Galliagh Road and 25metres south east of 1 Glenabbey Cottages on
the Upper Galliagh Road, Derry.
Elected members of the Planning Committee met at the Guildhall this
week following the summer recess and were unanimous in their support
for the two applications.
The chairman of the Planning Committee, Cllr Sean Mooney welcoming the
decision said this was a positive step forward in Council’s commitment
to progress with important strategic development plans to deliver
approximately 1,500 homes in the H1B zoned lands at Skeoge.
He said: “This is a very welcome planning decision for Council and will
bring a substantial boost to the local economy within the city. Not
only will it provide a well-planned neighbourhood with a varied mix of
housing units to cater for the needs of all residents, but the overall
H1b zone when completed will provide the communities there with
amenities such as local shops, open space and provision for children’s
play facilities.
“The provision of well-placed quality housing is a key objective of the
Council’s Strategic Growth Plan and the approval of these two
significant planning applications is a positive step forward in helping
to achieve that goal.”
The meeting was held in the Guildhall and can be viewed back to watch
on the Council’s YouTube channel.