Rory Mooney, 8 Sep
Derry City and Strabane District Council has been given the green light
by its Planning Committee this week to progress with environmental
improvements at lands at Tullymore Road in the Currynierin area of the
Elected members met today following the July summer recess to consider
an application by the Council to carry out extensive environmental
works at Tullymore Road, to the east of 70, Whitethorn Drive in Derry.
The Committee granted full planning permission for the works that will
include a new equipped play area, grass playing field, access paths and
boundary fencing as well as new tree and hedge planting at the site.
Welcoming the decision, the Chairman of the Planning Committee Cllr
Sean Mooney said the environmental works will have huge benefits for
the local community.
He said: “Not only will this project provide much needed recreational
outdoor space for families, but it will also help improve the health
and well-being of the local community and be an important focal point
for everyone to meet and enjoy.
“As a Council, safe outdoor play provision for children is a key
priority in our Strategic Growth Plan and to approve this application
marks further progress towards this goal and is evidence of Council’s
continued commitment to investment in parks, play areas and outdoor
space provision across the District.”
The meeting was held at the Guildhall and was broadcast live on the
Council’s YouTube channel and is available to watch back.