Cork woman told arresting garda she would 'f*** her up', 8 Sep

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Fri, 08 Sep, 2023 - 19:07

Cork woman told arresting garda she would 'f*** her up'

The report received by gardaí was to the effect that an intoxicated

woman was blocking the entrance to the accident and emergency unit

after 11pm on the night of May 24.

Cork woman told arresting garda she would 'f*** her up'

A 37-year-old Cork woman told a member of An Garda Síochána who

arrested her for a disturbance outside a hospital that she would “f***

her up.” Picture: iStock

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Liam Heylin

A 37-year-old Cork woman told a member of An Garda Síochána who

arrested her for a disturbance outside a hospital that she would “f***

her up.”

Now at Cork District Court, Nicole Costin of Liffey Park, Mayfield,

Cork, has pleaded guilty to charges arising out of the incident.

Sergeant John Kelleher outlined the background to the incident for

Judge Olann Kelleher.

Garda Eimear Reilly responded to a call to attend at the Mercy

University Hospital where there was a reported disturbance.

The report received by gardaí was to the effect that an intoxicated

woman was blocking the entrance to the accident and emergency unit

after 11pm on the night of May 24.

Garda Reilly met with Nicole Costin just outside the hospital on Henry

Street and noted that she was in a highly intoxicated condition.

She was arrested at 11.20pm and taken to the Bridewell garda station.

“During her time in the custody suite she became highly intoxicated and

refused to let Garda Reilly carry out her duties.

“Ms Costin threatened Garda Reilly with physical violence stating she

would fuck her up if the guard touched her.

“She verbally abused her, calling her a f***ing c***,” Sergeant

Kelleher said.

Costin pleaded guilty to obstruction of a member of An Garda Síochána

and being intoxicated to such an extent that she was a danger to

herself or others.

Sgt Kelleher said Ms Costin was convicted seven times for drunkenness

previously and three times for engaging in threatening behaviour.

Judge Olann Kelleher described it as a terrible track record.

Shane Collins Daly, defence solicitor, said the accused had sentencing

adjourned from May and had stayed out of trouble since that time.

Judge Kelleher said he would impose a four-month suspended sentence for

the obstruction and he fined her €200 for the drunkenness.

He said that she was required to cooperate with the probation service

if she was to avoid jail.