Tux Machines

today's howtos

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jun 03, 2023

=> /n/2023/06/03/Security_Leftovers.gmi Security Leftovers

=> /n/2023/06/03/Android_Leftovers.gmi Android Leftovers

How to install OpenLiteSpeed, an excellent web server

=> https://www.librebyte.net/en/web-servers/how-to-install-openlitespeed-an-excellent-web-server/ ↺ How to install OpenLiteSpeed, an excellent web server

OpenLiteSpeed is a high performance and lightweight HTTP server developed by LiteSpeed Technologies. OpenLiteSpeed is cross-platform (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, MacOS) and can be integrated with applications developed in PHP, Ruby, Perl and Java.

Toggle touchpad on or off

=> https://bkhome.org/news/202306/toggle-touchpad-on-or-off.html ↺ Toggle touchpad on or off

I have a problem with my latest laptop, the flSynclient synaptics GUI app does not work. I found that the touchpad does not use the synaptics protocol. Perhaps this is a sign of what to expect in modern laptops.
Input devices can be configured by the 'xinput' CLI utility. There is no decent standalone GUI frontend for 'xinput', so for now just implementing one function, a GUI to toggle the touchpad off or on.

How to use a Stepper Motor with Arduino Uno and A4988 Driver

=> https://peppe8o.com/a4988-stepper-motor-driver-arduino-uno/ ↺ How to use a Stepper Motor with Arduino Uno and A4988 Driver

In this tutorial, we will make stepper motor movement in clock and counterclockwise with Arduino Uno. The stepper motor is widely used in the application

A Comprehensive Look at the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

=> https://tecadmin.net/simple-mail-transfer-protocol/ ↺ A Comprehensive Look at the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP)

The Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) is a communication protocol used in the internet mail system. SMTP is responsible for sending, receiving, and relaying outbound mail between email senders and receivers.

Best PHP-FPM Configuration – Easy and Simple Calculation

=> https://www.cloudbooklet.com/best-php-fpm-configuration-easy-and-simple-calculation/ ↺ Best PHP-FPM Configuration – Easy and Simple Calculation

Optimize your PHP-FPM Configuration by using the optimum setup options. Expert-recommended methods can help your application run faster and more efficiently. Optimize performance and minimizing resource use.

Understanding Basic Git Workflow: Add, Commit, Push

=> https://tecadmin.net/basic-git-workflow/ ↺ Understanding Basic Git Workflow: Add, Commit, Push

In the realm of software development, version control is paramount. Among the various version control systems available, Git has emerged as an industry standard due to its robustness, flexibility, and distributed architecture. In this article, we'll be focusing on the fundamental steps of a basic Git workflow: Add, Commit, and Push.

GNU Grep versus the (Linux) open source ecology

=> https://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/linux/GNUGrepVersusEcology ↺ GNU Grep versus the (Linux) open source ecology

Since adding warnings and other new messages is a breaking API change, all of these packages are now broken in Fedora and by extension any other Linux distribution that packages them, uses GNU Grep 3.8 or later, and hasn't reverted this change. Some of them are only minorly broken; others, either inspecting their standard error or operating in a context where other programs expect to see and not see some things, are more seriously affected. To repair this breakage, all of these packages need to be changed to use 'grep -F' and 'grep -E' instead of fgrep and egrep.

How to Install a Load Balancing MySQL Server with ProxySQL on Debian 11

=> https://www.howtoforge.com/how-to-set-up-load-balancing-mysql-server-with-proxysql-on-debian-11/ ↺ How to Install a Load Balancing MySQL Server with ProxySQL on Debian 11

ProxySQL is a high-performance MySQL proxy with a small footprint that can be installed in multiple environments such as VM, K8s, bare-metal, and Docker containers. ProxySQL is an open-source solution that provides high availability for your MySQL Cluster with support of connection multiplexing, provides query Rules to route writes to primaries, and distributes reads across replicas.
