C Fun: Fun and Adventures in C Language Programming
By Fria El Agua (WTFPL) 2023
Table of Contents
*** Front Matter ***
i. License
ii. Dedication
iii. Acknowledgement
iv. Introduction
*** Body Matter ***
Chapter 1: Essentials
1.1 Compiling and Running
1.2 Comment
1.3 Basic Data Types
1.4 Variables
1.5 Input and Output
1.6 Mathemathetical Operators
1.7 Logical Operators
1.8 Bitwise Operators
1.9 Operator Precedence
1.10 Conditional Expressions
1.11 Looping
1.12 Array
1.13 Multi Dimensional Array
1.14 Pointer
1.15 Structure
1.16 Typedef
1.17 Function
1.18 Function Pointer
1.19 Callback
1.20 Qsort
1.21 BSearch
1.22 File_IO
1.23 Preprocessor
1.24 Macro
1.25 Header File
1.26 Multi File Program
1.27 Single Header Library
1.28 Makefile
Chapter 2: Data Structure
2.1 Linked List
2.2 Stack
2.3 Queue
2.4 Double Ended Queue
2.5 Circular Queue
2.6 Tree
2.7 Trie
2.8 Hash
2.9 Hash Map
Chapter 3: Algorithms
3.1 Random Shuffle
3.2 Weighted Random
3.3 Sorting
3.4 Searching
3.5 Caesar Cipher
3.6 Run Length Encoding
3.7 Huffman Compression
Chapter 4: Games
4.1 Graphics
4.2 Animation
4.3 Mouse Input
4.4 Keyboard Input
4.5 Bitmap Font
4.6 Sprite
4.7 Button
4.8 Audio
4.9 Boggle Word Game
*** Back Matter ***
v. Glossary
vi. Bibliography