This page once held a semi-formal explanation on the concept of pen-names, and a rundown of what this particular name represents. As I settle more into what being a small part of the small web means, I find that less and less necessary.
So instead, hello. I'm a longtime Linux user, a strong believer in open-source philosophies, and a friend of the command line. I enjoy learning new things to a sometimes destructive degree, and think the GPL is best used with a light touch. I'm strongly religious and believe that freedom of thought and expression is the greatest moral good we can uphold. And every once in a while I find myself thinking about things in blog posts, even if actually writing them up can be a bit of a challenge.
I never planned to use this capsule as a micro-blog or to simply talk about my own projects, and while I still don't like microblogging on principle I've found myself gathering more projects to talk about. At the moment, I'm still settling on a new direction to take, if any. Watch this space.