2022-07-19 parenthood and loneliness
2022-02-22 solving Challenge Rating (in two very different ways)
2022-02-20 playing "tabletop" RPGs over Gemini, pt. 2 (and different ways people have made to play elfgames)
2022-02-09 notes (so far) on Seaford's "The Origins of Philosophy in Ancient Greece and Ancient India"
2022-02-07 re: Ikigai (or, acquire an avocation)
2022-02-05 playing "tabletop" RPGs over Gemini
2022-02-04 how to fix college admissions (add more randomness!)
2022-02-03 thoughts on an MtG variant
2022-02-02 replace capital markets with prediction markets
2022-01-31 monotonic politics