> What would the world be, once bereft > of wet and wildness? Let them be left, > O let them be left, wildness and wet; > Long live the weeds and the wilderness yet. > > --- Gerard Manley Hopkins, Inversnaid
⚠️ This is a Digital Garden. Many pages pages are unfinished and unpolished, they will be updated and pruned as time allows. Come back and watch it grow. 🌱
2023-08-29 Biggest Fear (breadcrumbs)
2023-08-29 The hypocrisy of Australia’s Net Zero policy (breadcrumbs)
2023-08-17 Putting the Meadow Back Into Your Loaf (breadcrumbs)
2023-08-17 Never Perfect (breadcrumbs)
2023-03-04 Headless RaspberryPi Setup
2023-01-30 Progress (breadcrumbs)
2023-01-23 The alternative to living in a shed is slavery (Breadcrumbs)
2022-06-17 On Changing Someone's Mind
2022-05-24 The no-flush movement: the unexpected rise of the composting toilet (Breadcrumbs)
2022-05-03 Yours is the work. My work was to prepare for it. (Breadcrumbs)
2022-05-03 Heartbreaking (Breadcrumbs)
2022-04-28 Confessions of a Recovering Environmentalist (Breadcrumbs)
2022-04-27 How to Drop Out (Breadcrumbs)
2022-04-25 'Why I chose to live in a derelict shed to escape the housing crisis' (Breadcrumbs)
2021-08-02 How to Build a Small Town in Texas (Breadcrumbs)
2021-06-28 Lowering our computing impact: the environment, sufficiency and Gemini