Sites to Explore

Wow, there are a lot of people working on a smaller


While I do come down on the side of alternate protocols

which level the playing field, and save resources, the

greater part of the value, at least for now, is still out

in http-land. All of the links are from the web. If any

of you are so pure that you no longer use the web, I am

impressed and would love to hear from you --my sdf email is

at the bottom of this post. But for now, most of us should

focus more on avoiding super-big and ugly finding whatever

small and beautiful things that we can.

I start with Ran Prieur mainly out of acknowledgement for

where I first heard about the small internet.

Ran Prieur

Though I don't agree with all of his conjectures, he is a

much more interesting person than I. Also, he's looks at

Reddit so I don't have to.

Ran is also where I saw the marginalia search engine

Which in turn recommended

I really like going to Wiby and clicking "surprise me." It

feels like web surfing again. Some of the sites are just

plain old, others are just plain, but it is an experience in

the kind of web I would otherwise feel nostalgia for (you

can't a pain of loss for something you currently have. . . )

What follows are some of my finds from wiby.

A recipe site without the bull. (Those are difficult to find,


This page is just a damn triumph of the old school internet

Vanity plates:

Just organized weirdness:

Midi music (!! So long since I've seen that) :

10KB art gallery of weirdness:

Autism, Intense World Theory:

[Update] Naturally, after I wrote this I would

noodle around in gemini space, and do some follow up

to find the low tech webring:


I'd love to hear from people. My email is the handle minus

"net" (work by Voltaire that starts with "c"), at