What's the management style at your workplace? I became a team lead and have kept the "you can do whatever you want, whenever as long as everyone agrees beforehand and benefits the company" style. It works. Everyone finished their work efficiently and delivers good product by all technical standarda. Even picking up tasks that others haven't got to yet. The bottleneck now is really my speed of finding new directions of improvement.
Yet somehow other departments complains that we too lax and lazy. What am I doing wrong?
6 months ago
I was in a very similar situation, my team was doing critical work, but it wasn't sexy on the product roadmap so it went unnoticed outside of the immediate organization. IMO unless upper management supports your team and is constantly advocating for your misson within the company, you're screwed no matter what your team does. · 6 months ago
materialize the gains quickly instead of have three or more parallel projects that only deliver after a while. the team lead’s job is to align everyone behind the one thing that is most important for the business at any given time and deliver it fast so value compounds. this doesn’t make friends but can be done respectfully while giving everyone regular opportunities to work passionately. it is extremely difficult. · 6 months ago
i managed in tech. most laid back leaders i encountered were hesitant to take on necessary conflicts at work. lack of focus and alignment was also common. as a rule of thumb, at least 80% of a team’s energy should be spent on the most important business need, preferably many people so delivery is fast. · 6 months ago
My team has a rater laid back management as well. Which I really like as an employee. At your job, are the other departments' complains grounded in reality? Or are the managers afraid that your management style will harm their authority? · 6 months ago