had the chance to once again see how incentives drive behavior. not in a good way. some cities are so run down and somehow everyone seems to be ok with it. back to the mountain paradise for me.
2 months ago 路 馃憤 satch, bitdweller, bavarianbarbarian
can鈥檛 imagine leaving entirely, but my life shall be rural centric not city centric in a few years from now. 路 2 months ago
when i lived in munich (de) and london (uk) i relied a lot on public transport. for a while didn鈥檛 even had a car. but then i felt trapped in the city and couldn鈥檛 go out into nature whenever i wanted. and the few places reachable via train are overloaded by city people on the weekends. here in the u.s. there is no meaningful public transport (and i don鈥檛 think there ever can be except in dense cities). so if the place looks dirty, trash everywhere, open drug consumption, total lack of law enforcement and public transport is a joke then the city is just worse. 路 2 months ago
@at_work I feel you're talking about your specific case. There are small places that do have public transport. And there are small places where you can walk to solve everyday needs.
But I know what you mean and of course it's not perfect, otherwise it wouldn't be a topic :) 路 2 months ago
Nope. I would gladly return to the city if I could. The fact that you have to drive for anything instead of walking or taking public transport is reason enough. 路 2 months ago
@bitdweller this matches my observations exactly 路 2 months ago
I loathe cities more every time I go to one. Yes, there are things you can only have there, and some are very important ("alternative" events are almost exclusive to cities, at least where I live) but it's not worth it.
Life on the rural side is uncountable times better. And I think many who struggle in the city would have had help earlier and not end up homeless and drugged.
Not true for psychological problem, though. Towns are harder to get help in that sense. 路 2 months ago