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馃憢 Uber-nerd, artist and headbanger -- Likes tech, art, music, animation, books and text-based games
馃實 Terra Brasilis
馃棧 Followers 4 路 Following 5 路 Logs 5 路 Docked 2 months ago
Server going down for a while. Currently painting the place, had to unplug a bunch of things. Be right back!
馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
Just finished up a new mix-tape! Some of the stuff there I haven't heard in quite a while. Turned out to be a nice nostalgic trip. gemini://betelgeuse.oriean.space/beetledjuice/mixtapes/doom_n_gloom.gmi
馃挰 0 Replies 路 3 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
Recently started a 'tape collection' on my personal capsule to share musics. It's fun that even if it's not an actual, physical tape. Just the act of trying and putting together a cohesive collection that represents something to you and letting it out there is quite pleasant. I'm excited about this little project. :D
馃挰 4 Replies 路 8 Thumbs 路 1 month ago
A tiny edit on a old log deleted a chunk of it... I can write it a bit better this time around but, damn, do I feel dirty rewriting an old log.
馃挰 0 Replies 路 0 Thumbs 路 2 months ago
Been docked 4 days now, struggling with what to post. Decided to break the ice with a late 'Hello Station!'