Analyzing Gadgetbridge-Data with Python
Amazfit Neo → Gadgetbridge → Sqlite → Python-Pandas
1. Some helpful imports
import hsluv import matplotlib.pyplot as plt plt.rcParams["figure.figsize"] = (8, 4) import seaborn as sns from datetime import datetime
2. Getting the Data
The FOSS-Application Gadgedbridge (“Gadgetbridge for android” 2022) supports exporting the collected Data into an sqlite-file. Loading them into Python is not that difficult. In my case the file is automaticly mirrored into my ~/Sync-folder through Syncthing (“Syncthing” 2019) and named ggb.sqlite
import pandas as pd import sqlite3 conn = sqlite3.connect("/home/adrian/Sync/ggb.sqlite") df = pd.read_sql_query( """SELECT TIMESTAMP, RAW_INTENSITY, STEPS, RAW_KIND, HEART_RATE FROM MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_SAMPLE;""", conn ) df.describe().to_markdown(tablefmt="orgtbl")
count | 331004 | 331004 | 331004 | 331004 | 331004 |
mean | 1.66892e+09 | 24.3221 | 4.33082 | 125.133 | 76.3764 |
std | 5.7575e+06 | 28.2967 | 15.5202 | 84.1054 | 33.7458 |
min | 1.65897e+09 | -1 | 0 | 1 | -1 |
25% | 1.66394e+09 | 0 | 0 | 80 | 60 |
50% | 1.6689e+09 | 17 | 0 | 90 | 71 |
75% | 1.67387e+09 | 38 | 0 | 240 | 81 |
max | 1.67895e+09 | 198 | 144 | 251 | 255 |
I did not include the useless columns DEVICE_ID
. They always have the same value if you use only one device as one user; I don't load them to make the tables smaller; otherwise a SELECT * FROM MI_BAND_ACTIVITY_DATA
would be sufficient.
3. Preperation
3.1. Datetime
But what is this strange TIMESTAMP
-column? Oh, maybe just an unix-timestamp. Throw it into pd.to_datetime
pd.to_datetime(df.TIMESTAMP) \ .describe(datetime_is_numeric=True) \ .to_markdown(tablefmt="orgtbl")
count | 331004 |
mean | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.668917075 |
min | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.658969040 |
25% | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.663935105 |
50% | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.668900930 |
75% | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.673866575 |
max | 1970-01-01 00:00:01.678946580 |
Hmmm… This don't look right. I ran into this type of problem last year when analyzing the Deutsche Bahn (results, not the progress: Momentane Pünktlichkeit der Deutschen Bahn). To safe memory and network capacity they divided the unix-timestamps by a factor of 1e6
or 1e9
pd.to_datetime(df.TIMESTAMP * 1e9) \ .describe(datetime_is_numeric=True) \ .to_markdown(tablefmt="orgtbl")
count | 331004 |
mean | 2022-11-20 04:04:35.349853696 |
min | 2022-07-28 00:44:00 |
25% | 2022-09-23 12:11:45 |
50% | 2022-11-19 23:35:30 |
75% | 2023-01-16 10:56:15 |
max | 2023-03-16 06:03:00 |
Yes! This matches the span in which I used Gadgedbridge with my watch. Let's make some useful columns out of this. By using the .dt
-accessor Object (“pandas.Series.dt — pandas 1.5.3 documentation” 2023) attributes like date
, hour
, etc. can be used easily:
df["utc"] = pd.to_datetime(df.TIMESTAMP * 1e9) df["date"] = df["weekday"] = df.utc.dt.day_name() df["hour"] = df.utc.dt.hour df["hourF"] = df.utc.dt.hour + df.utc.dt.minute/60
and weekday
can be used for grouping data; hour
and espeically hourF
(meaning the hour as floating point number) for x/y diagrams.
3.2. Heart Rate
plt.hist( df.HEART_RATE, color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((0, 75, 25)), bins=256 ) plt.title("Histogram: Heart rate") plt.yscale("log") plt.savefig(file) plt.close() file

Looking at the Histogram of the Heart Rate it's obvious that the Values of 255
and below 0
are errors or failed measures. Therefore I set them to None
df["heartRate"] = df.HEART_RATE df.loc[df.heartRate<=0, "heartRate"] = None df.loc[df.heartRate>=255, "heartRate"] = None
To avoid strange problems when executing the org-babel-blocks in the wrong order, I follow the best-practise of copying and not overwriting the original data.
df[ ["HEART_RATE", "heartRate"] ].describe().to_markdown(tablefmt="orgtbl")
HEART_RATE | heartRate | |
count | 331004 | 321445 |
mean | 76.3764 | 71.0781 |
std | 33.7458 | 14.0401 |
min | -1 | 39 |
25% | 60 | 59 |
50% | 71 | 71 |
75% | 81 | 81 |
max | 255 | 178 |
This is much better!
4. Plotting some Data
Now I want to see how the data looks. Today is a good day, because
- I slept (not that surprise)
- I worked at the Computer (doing this)
- I rode 47km with the bike
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) span = df[ ( df.utc > datetime(2023, 3, 15, 3) ) & ( # & is the bitwise AND df.utc < datetime(2023, 3, 15, 15) ) ] ax.plot( span.utc, span.RAW_INTENSITY, label="Intensity", color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((240, 80, 20)), linewidth=0.75 ) ax.plot( span.utc, span.RAW_KIND, label="Kind", color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((120, 80, 40)), linewidth=0.5 ) bx = ax.twinx() bx.plot( span.utc, span.heartRate, label="Heart Rate", color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((0, 80, 60)), linewidth=0.25 ) ax.set_ylim([0, 256]) ax.set_yticks(list(range(0, 256, 32))) bx.set_ylim([0, 160]) ax.set_xlim([span.utc.min(), span.utc.max()]) fig.legend() ax.grid() fig.autofmt_xdate() # tilting the x-labels fig.tight_layout() # less space around the plot fig.savefig(file) plt.close(fig) file

You can't clearly see what's going on, because the wiggeli wobbelyness of the lines. Try using a rolling mean:
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(8, 4)) span = df[ ( df.utc > datetime(2023, 3, 15, 3) ) & ( df.utc < datetime(2023, 3, 15, 15) ) ] ax.plot( span.utc, span.RAW_INTENSITY.rolling(5, min_periods=1).mean(), label="Intensity", color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((240, 80, 20)), linewidth=0.75 ) ax.plot( span.utc, span.RAW_KIND.rolling(5, min_periods=1).median(), # ! label="Kind", color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((120, 80, 40)), linewidth=0.5 ) bx = ax.twinx() bx.plot( span.utc, span.heartRate.rolling(5, min_periods=1).mean(), label="Heart Rate", color=hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((0, 80, 60)), linewidth=0.25 ) ax.set_ylim([0, 256]) ax.set_yticks(list(range(0, 256, 32))) bx.set_ylim([0, 160]) ax.set_xlim([span.utc.min(), span.utc.max()]) fig.legend() ax.grid() fig.autofmt_xdate() fig.tight_layout() fig.savefig(file) plt.close(fig) file

Now you can clearly see
- Low activity and pulse while sleeping until 06:30 UTC
- Normal activity while working until 11:00 UTC
- High activity and pulse from 11:00-13:30 UTC
I used the rolling median, because this looks more discrete than continuous. There might be some strange encoding happening: Sleep is very high, the spikes towards arround 100 are short occurrences of me waking up and turning around; while working the value is arround 80 and during sport it drops to below 20.
4.1. x/y - combining features!
Now combine features. And to add a color-dimension let's assume RAW_KIND
above 192 means sleep; below 32 activity.
df["assumption"] = [ "sleep" if r>192 else "normal" if r>32 else "activity" for r in df.RAW_KIND ] fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6, 6)) sns.scatterplot( ax=ax, data=df.sample(2048), # use not /all/ but only 2048 data-points x="heartRate", y="RAW_INTENSITY", hue="assumption", palette={ "sleep": hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((240, 60, 60)), "normal": hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((120, 80, 40)), "activity": hsluv.hsluv_to_hex((0, 100, 20)), } ) ax.set_xlim([30, 130]) ax.set_ylim([0, None]) fig.savefig(file) plt.close(fig) file

It seems intuitive that intensity and heart rate are lower while sleeping. But do you see some strangeness? There are Lines of frequent heart rates when awake but not while sleep.
I assume my watch has a high precission, but a medium accuracy. Randall Munroe made a useful table to keep in mind the difference between them:

Maybe it's like the following: While sleeping I don't move that much (like the position on the y-axis implies) so the precision is as high as possible. But when moving around the watch measures just the moments it can and estimates the pulse with a lower precision.