IOLFREE is smoking a pipe, sipping a beer and tinkering with an old gemini spacecraft when I meet him. I can't help noticing that he has a new home. Last time he was on circumlunar now he's on tilde dot club/ REPORTER: What do you think is the best software? IOLFREE : Elpher, because it includes gopher (in fact is for gopher by default) and you can whizz around in the cursor keys. AV-98 is not as good because you have to press numbers REPORTER: Why did you not use your circumlunar since 2022? IOLFREE : I lost interest. I will delete it. I can edit files here on this but if I log in on circumlunar it would go to the top of spacewalk even if didn't post anything new; cringe. REPORTER: Why not self-host? IOLFREE: THAT would be the ideal - Raspberry pis, single board computers everywhere decentralised but I have a dynamic IP, it changes. I don't have a sbc yet, just a couple of old iMacs. And I don't have any spare monitors so I never got into sbcs. REPORTER: But maybe get remote hosting IOLFREE: no.. remote hosting is OK to get a free tilde site ~ but not interested beyond that. I would love the self hosting but I would need a static IP. REPORTER Why do you write txt files sometimes instead of gmi? IOLFREE: The gmi files with a thousand characters on one line are difficult in the terminal. REPORTER: What do you think of the claim that gemini is boring? IOLFREE: Gemini must never pander! Utter garbage! No attack on gemini will succeed. REPORTER: And what are your plans for gopher? IOLFREE: That is like a sanctuary for healing, my writing there is somewhat ethereal,ghostly.....mystical REPORTER: And you recently set up a page on tilde dot fans? IOLFREE: A web page filled with gibberish I find it a good server, for a shell account. It doesn't have gopher or gemini hosting though. REPORTER: Thank you for the interview. it's like you have completely reinvented yourself again. IOLFREE: It would seem so / / /