i walked into a bunch if poison oak (again) to scout the path for my new water supply line. now the itching keeps me awake at night and i look funny all over my face and arms and legs.
i was promised immunity would build up over time. not seeing it!
3 days ago
lots of conflicting info on the web around poison oak/ivy and building up immunity. not sure what to do. maybe i should limit the exposure at least. usually i just go in there and then regret later 馃お 路 1 day ago
I hate vines and especially poison ivy. grows all over the dang place around here and I have to pull it up every year because of my neighbor. I feel for you. 路 2 days ago
Wandered into some of that as a kid, not fun - but yeah, have not been affected since. 路 2 days ago
I knew a guy who accidentally inhaled poison oak that was being burned. He had to have some serious surgeries, and has a low, raspy voice to this day. That said, he can roll around in a field of poison oak and not get a single reaction lol 路 3 days ago
my mom told me as a kid a traveling shaman/doctor/gipsy would come around in the spring time and put poision ivy or oak in all the children's mouthes and they would be immune to it for the rest of the summer. I'll ask her to tell me the story again to detail check but it might be worth trying 路 3 days ago