convert PDF to PDF

   Author:       Bernd Assenmacher
   Uploader:     b-a keemail me (Bernd Assenmacher)
   Type:         util/conv
   Version:      1.2
   Replaces:     util/conv/PDF2PDF.lha
   Requires:     polybios.ext and polybios.hwp
   Architecture: ppc-morphos
   Distribution: Aminet
   Kurz:         PDF zu PDF konvertieren
   Date:         2023-07-16
   Downloads:    1

A little tool to convert PDF files to PDF files.

So whats that ? Why should one convert a PDF file to another PDF file ?

Short explanation :

PDF2PDF will take the source PDF and create images of the pages it contains.

Then it puts these images into the pages of the new created PDF file page by

page and saves this new PDF file to the chosen name and path.

The new PDF file is therefore different than the source PDF file.

It is bigger in size and it has less quality.

The main purpose of this is to receive a PDF file where "copy and paste" is

not possible anymore. So its kind of protected from doing so. ;-)

PDF2PDF is "Donationware" ;-) and free to use without any restrictions !!

The rights of PDF2PDF belong to Bernd Assenmacher!

You use this program at your own risk !

This program is provided "as-is" and comes without a warranty of any kind.

The author cannot be held responsible for any damage or loss of data caused

by using PDF2PDF.

By using it, you personally agree to accept whatever risk you may encounter!!!

Donations are always gratefully received

Btw :

Programming software is a very time intense process so if you want you can

support it/me by sending a small donation (for a beer ;-)) here :

Thank you .... :-)

To install PDF2PDF just extract the archive and copy the whole drawer where

you want to and start the app by double clicking it. :-)

Many thanks go to :

Sebastien Jeudy (Jedi), who had the idea to do such a tool which does

obviously not exist on the usual platforms ... (at the time beeing). ;-)

History :

18th June 2023 --- V1.0

- not released testversion

19th June 2023 --- V1.1

- not released improved testversion

16th July 2023 --- V1.2

- initial release

This readme file was made with Aminetreadmemaker from Thomas Igracki

Contents of util/conv/PDF2PDF.lha

---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
[unknown]                 2033    2426  83.8% -lh6- d91c Jul 16 13:51
[unknown]              1542374 3135104  49.2% -lh6- 6558 Jul 16 13:45 pdf2pdf/pdf2pdf
[unknown]                 1758    2252  78.1% -lh6- 7afc Jul 16 13:47 PDF2PDF/
[unknown]                 1139    2269  50.2% -lh6- ca71 Jul 16 14:38 PDF2PDF/PDF2PDF.readme
[unknown]                  776    1302  59.6% -lh6- 112d Jul 16 13:52 PDF2PDF/
[unknown]              3042351 6479736  47.0% -lh6- 9b67 Dec  5  2020 PDF2PDF/polybios.ext
[unknown]               530255  832036  63.7% -lh6- f75f Dec  5  2020 PDF2PDF/polybios.hwp
---------- ----------- ------- ------- ------ ---------- ------------ ----------
 Total         7 files 5120686 10455125  49.0%            Jul 17 03:13

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