Only tech on Gemini? Think again!

Next time somebody tells you that there's only tech content on Gemini, you can link them to this list to show them that this isn't true! Geminispace is bursting with excellent, really well written long form content on more things than you can shake a stick at.

There are no two posts from the same author linked below, and I've tried to avoid featuring any one Gemini host too heavily as well, just to make it clear that this content isn't coming a minority of small corners, it's everywhere. This isn't a list of my personal favourite things in Geminispace, and it isn't a list of my presonal favourite authors, either. It's not even the case that I think everything linked to from here is the best work of the person who wrote it, although all of it is, in my opinion, really good work. Instead, I've tried to assemble as broad a range of content as I possibly can, to reveal just how untrue it is that Geminauts do nothing but talk tech. You'll find creative content, personal content, instructional content, political content, all sorts. Frivolous content, serious content, poignant content, the works.

If I've linked to something of yours below and you wish I hadn't, shoot me an email and I'll take it down.

Thank you to everybody writing in Geminispace for making it what it is! ❤️

Here's an incredible 100 installment urban fantasy circular narrative masterpiece

Here's an expression of thanks to Brian Eno for his ambient music

Here's an account of a hiking trip

Here's somebody describing their first psychedelic mushroom trip

Here's somebody recalling their final conversation with their dying grandmother

Here's some advice on weighing your food

Here's somebody embracing degrowth

Here's a schoolgirl fawning over her internet boyfiend

Here's a detailed discussion of an old US Civil Defence radiation dosimeter

Here's an inexplicably compelling account of waiting to pickup Chinese takeaway

Here's a eulogy for UK motorspot legend Stirling Moss

Here's a discussion of chads appropriating Stoic philosophy

Here's a brief overview of sprouting microgreens

Here's a topological proof of the infinitude of primes

Here's a trans-woman talking about her cloth and thread boobs

Here's a poem

Here's a report of an urban mountain bike ride

Here's a delightfully whimsical choose-your-own-adventure story

Here's a series of passionate arguments against the metric system

Here's someone's account of them getting into birdwatching

Here's a criticism of UK student assessment reforms

Here's somebody sharing their complicated experiences with grief

Here's somebody pitching a "mundane" version of Star Trek

Here's a guide to DIY perfect book binding

Here's how someone got better at art

Here's that time someone helped a sad drunkard

Here's someone using etched copper plates to make colour prints

Here's a review of a really bad gay vampire movie

Here's someone describing their first time running a table top role-playing game

Here's a defence of taking TV slow, rather than binging whole shows

Here's someone sharing their life long love of bicycles

Here's someone silkscreen printing tshirts

Here's someone sharing their history of cross-dressing

Here's someone talking about their decades long history of running