hey slondr
hey drag0nfly
whats good?
I'm experimenting with emacs's tree-sitter integrations
they are neat
oh not familiar with that feature
Ive just gotten serious about learning emacs within the last maybe 3 months
a woodcutter stopped to learn emacs, and when they were done only the axehead remained
drag0nfly: it's newly added in Emacs 29, which is still in beta/pre-release
I see
Any other cool Emacs features coming in 29?
29, at least, is ready for prime
mhj: integrated sqlite is another big one
I wonder if sqlite tables could be somehow mixed with Orgmode?
Someone posted an example how to configure nginx to do tls proxying for gemini for multiple hosts, I think I am going to try that on my domain so it should be possible to have a vhost on different servers
mhj: I've been testing a package called `ekg` which puts org notes (or whatever notes) and bookmarks in sqlite, as an alternative to files
it's like org-roam or logseq but more so, there is no intermediate step using files
Neat~ I'll have to try it myself sometime
alexlehm: might have been me. did you find the link?
this one: https://gist.github.com/aschuhardt/6a66e45103a4d1faef68ca44ca97eb55
alexlehm's link to 'https://gist.github.com/aschuhardt/6a66e45103a4d1faef68ca44ca97eb55'