Midnight Pub



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~alex wrote (thread):

Welcome, ~jack! I have to go with ~ew and admit that you made me smile, which I didn't know I was in desperate need of today.

~bartender, a sweet honey lemon with cinnamon. Oh, no, no croissant for me, thank you!

This place is wonderful, isn't it? While I don't have much to say, other than that I love to overhear conversations and monologues over here, the calm atmosphere does wonders to a stressed-out mind. And if even that should get too much for you, you're free to join me at my table – I still haven't found a partner that would be up for a round of card games or chess in this city, hehe.

Nevertheless, I hope we get to read more of you in the future; your writing style is admirable!

~ew wrote (thread):

Howdy, ~jack! You definitely cheered up my day! Thanks!

~bartender? A hot chocolate with spices, thank you! And I'd like a croissant, too, if there are any left :)

I have repaired a small thing today, which was broken for too long. I did have to repurpose a right-handed thingy to fit in the left-handed place. But having done that rather than spending (possibly a lot of) money on an entirely new thing, just because thingy inside was broken --- that somehow feels plain /wrong/. Repair work is so rewarding. At least most of the time.


~tatterdemalion wrote (thread):

Greetings and welcome, ~jack, but you'll have no personal truths from me, as there are none to tell. My truths whisper only of the void, the unknown World-Without-Us, the literally unthinkable. Of course, for the sake of sociality, I may be convinced to share a lie or two.

~tffb wrote:

"a recovering alcoholic whose pain is felt by everyone (I get you, man, for real, and I admire your candor)"

...greetings and salutations! :D

The sobriety runs well in these parts. Been sober for some week 1/2, two weeks(?), and I feel good about it. Rehab likely awaits where I am moving to, but they may send me back to my newly-rented abode once they see my month+ of sobriety at that point (which will of course continue thereafter).

I like your writing method ~jack, and hope to see you around here more often.

::tips up coffee mug (pinky, in-air), garbles croissant::

until later...

~inquiry wrote (thread):

You've single-keyboardly brought post-lurking, writing-down-a-few-things-on-paper to a whole new level!

A very pleasant first read of the day, indeed.
