Weaver class quest turn-ins

A Realm Reborn

Lv. 1: My First Needle

Lv. 5: Once More unto the Breeches

Lv. 10: Alternative Applications

Lv. 15: Practical Needs

Lv. 20: Materia Concerns

Lv. 25: That Velveteen Dress

Lv. 30: Miner on a Mission

Lv. 35: Designed by Committee

Lv. 40: A Subtle Inquiry

Lv. 45: The Intervention

Lv. 50: A Miner Reborn


Lv. 53: Tomboy Foolery

Lv. 55: For Lover and Country

Lv. 58: Spinning the Truth

Lv. 60: Never Leave without a Good-bye