Hispagatos federated Matrix chat node Howto

first you need to download any of the Matrix clients [1]

the riot-desktop app.

+ 1 pacman -S riot-desktop

+ 2 if you are in a Debian family distribution like Ubuntu then follow this [2]

!Register new user [3]

+ click "custom server" and if using any other client is similar, basically you have to click "advance", "custom server" or "connect to another node/server"... you get the idea.

!Select custom server [4]

+ do not change the *identity server* that is part of the federation settings.

!Add our server [5]

+ yap yap now look for the register click/button etc and make sure our info is all correct with your username,passwd,email... *do not use phone number well if you want to.. but is NOT* needed.

!Add info [6]

+ click/register

+ In a couple days going to enable a captcha in thie procedure, I will update the howto at the time.

!Find channels [7]


[1] Matrix clients (https://matrix.to/#/#hispagatos:hispagatos.org)

[2] then follow this (https://riot.im/desktop.html)

[3] Register new user (/images/register1.png)

[4] Select custom server (/images/custom-server2.png)

[5] Add our server (/images/addourserver3.png)

[6] Add info (/images/addinfo4.png)

[7] Find channels (/images/channels5.png)

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Hispagatos is an Anarcho Hacker collective[1] that resolves around the Hacker ethic[2] of Steven levy and Libertarian Socialism ideas.

We work hard to preserve hacker culture, decentralization,security and privacy in cyberspace and also motivate towards an horizontal and non hierarchical techno-anarcho-communist society (TACS) where technology is made by people for the people not by corporate masters to control people. a(A)a

1: Anarcho Hacker collective

2: Hacker Ethic

3: Libertarian Socialism

[donate using LiberaPay](https://liberapay.com/Hispagatos/donate)