_  _ _    _        _              _     _                      
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📆 4 Jul 2023 | ⏱️ 1 minute read

Re: bullshit.js

People in advertising[1], marketing, SEO[2], and other bullshit industries have littered the web with phrases that sound significant but don't actually communicate anything.

A while back I discovered this amusing JavaScript program called bullshit.js[3] which you can run in the browser to replace some of that marketing BS with the word "bullshit".

The official bullshit.js webpage includes a bookmark link which is vulnerable to xss[4]. Here's my patched version:

javascript:(function(){var d=document,s=d.createElement('script');s.crossOrigin='anonymous';s.integrity='sha256-J3uYBSO4XnmUCTfYH458SPL2Cp+wlPOnt64DreZjAtw=';s.src='https://unpkg.com/@mourner/bullshit@1.2.0/bullshit.js';d.body.appendChild(s);}())



🔗 1: Fuck Advertising

🔗 2: SEO

🔗 3: bullshit.js

🔗 4: Cross Site Scripting Attack

Copyright 2019-2023 Nicholas Johnson. CC BY-SA 4.0.