Tux Machines
Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jul 20, 2023
=> /n/2023/07/20/What_s_new_in_the_Red_Hat_UBI_OpenJDK_containers.gmi What's new in the Red Hat UBI OpenJDK containers
=> /n/2023/07/20/GTK4_Terminal_App_Black_Box_and_Sam_Thursfield_s_GNOME_Developm.gmi GTK4 Terminal App ‘Black Box’ and Sam Thursfield's GNOME Development Report
=> https://ubuntu.com//blog/mysql-high-availability ↺ MySQL high availability made charmingly easy | Ubuntu
In a previous blog, we talked about patterns to run a database in a highly available manner. In this blog, we present our recipe for MySQL high availability. We will also explain how our solution interacts with K8s objects to provide some of its features.
=> https://www.suse.com/c/running-containerized-workloads-in-vehicles/ ↺ Running containerized workloads in vehicles
Containers have become an integral part of any modern software stack. They are a de facto standard in cloud computing. Containers provide strong isolation, extra layers of security, increased portability, and consistent operation. All this contributes to better development approaches. SUSE already collaborates with the automotive industry and SUSE Linux Enterprise is running in vehicles.
=> https://www.pclinuxos.com/?p=5578 ↺ Support the Future of PCLinuxOS
PCLinuxOS is made possible thanks to the donation of people like you
=> https://www.gamingonlinux.com/2023/07/nvidia-driver-535-86-05-out-now-linux/ ↺ NVIDIA driver 535.86.05 out now
NVIDIA has released their latest Linux graphics driver update with version 535.86.05. So here's what's new and improved for you. This is classed as a stable driver release for all users, mostly just bug fixing so you should be good to go ahead and install it right now.
=> https://itsubuntu.com/list-of-best-useful-linux-applications/ ↺ List Of Best Useful Linux Applications For 2023
We definitely need various applications to make our things better while using Linux operating systems. These days there are thousands of the best and most useful Linux applications available on the internet.
=> https://blogops.mixinet.net/posts/testing_cilium_with_k3d_and_kind/ ↺ Sergio Talens-Oliag: Testing cilium with k3d and kind
This post describes how to deploy cilium (and hubble) using docker on a Linux system with k3d or kind to test it as CNI and Service Mesh.
=> https://github.com/cilium/cilium ↺ cilium
=> https://github.com/cilium/hubble ↺ hubble
=> https://k3d.io/ ↺ k3d
=> https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ ↺ kind
=> https://www.cni.dev/ ↺ CNI
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_mesh ↺ Service Mesh
I wrote some scripts to do a local installation and evaluate cilium to use it at work (in fact we are using cilium on an EKS cluster now), but I thought it would be a good idea to share my original scripts in this blog just in case they are useful to somebody, at least for playing a little with the technology.
=> https://intelygenz.com/ ↺ work
=> https://github.com/cilium/cilium ↺ cilium
=> https://github.com/cilium/hubble ↺ hubble
=> https://k3d.io/ ↺ k3d
=> https://kind.sigs.k8s.io/ ↺ kind
=> https://www.cni.dev/ ↺ CNI
=> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Service_mesh ↺ Service Mesh
=> https://intelygenz.com/ ↺ work
=> https://www.tbray.org/ongoing/When/202x/2023/07/18/Mimestream ↺ Mimestream
I’ve been doing my email using the Mimestream app for the last six weeks or so, and apparently I’m not going back to Gmail-in-the-browser; the choice wasn’t a slam-dunk but I seem to have made it. Mimestream is a Gmail client (specifically, not IMap generally) and a native MacOS app. Now (assuming you know what Gmail and MacOS apps are) you know exactly what to expect, and whether or not you might like it. I’m just here to fill in the corners.