Tux Machines

Android Leftovers

Posted by Rianne Schestowitz on Jul 19, 2023

=> /n/2023/07/19/Programming_Leftovers.gmi Programming Leftovers

=> /n/2023/07/19/VirtualBox_7_0_10.gmi VirtualBox 7.0.10 (UPDATED)

=> https://news.tuxmachines.org/i/2023/07/Boox-Tab-Ultra-C-2.thumbnail.jpg ↺ Boox Tab Ultra C 2

Boox Tab Ultra C and Mini C pair color e-ink and Android

=> https://9to5google.com/2023/07/18/boox-tab-ultra-c-mini-c/ ↺ Boox Tab Ultra C and Mini C pair color e-ink and Android

Billions of Android users warned to delete bloatware apps that drain battery and storage space | The US Sun

=> https://www.the-sun.com/tech/8630749/android-delete-bloatware-apps-preinstalled/ ↺ Billions of Android users warned to delete bloatware apps that drain battery and storage space | The US Sun

Android 14's latest work profile change means you're never truly away from work

=> https://www.androidpolice.com/android-14-pause-work-profile/ ↺ Android 14's latest work profile change means you're never truly away from work

RedMagic 8S Pro unleashed on rest of world to lead Android gaming smartphone market in mid-2023 - NotebookCheck.net News

=> https://www.notebookcheck.net/RedMagic-8S-Pro-unleashed-on-rest-of-world-to-lead-Android-gaming-smartphone-market-in-mid-2023.735025.0.html ↺ RedMagic 8S Pro unleashed on rest of world to lead Android gaming smartphone market in mid-2023 - NotebookCheck.net News

Android apps continuously crashing for some Pixel owners

=> https://9to5google.com/2023/07/18/pixel-android-app-crash/ ↺ Android apps continuously crashing for some Pixel owners
