comitium subscriptions

Currently aggregating 250 capsules, gopherholes, and websites.

Generated on 2023-07-22 at 16:01 EDT

2023-07-22 bphflog β€” Duelin' Boots

πŸ”₯ Smokey's Gemlog β€” Why my dry herb vaporizer is game changing part 1: Combustion vs Vaporization 101 β€” ΒΏPor quΓ© votar?

rmgr's glog β€” making-laser-tag.gmi

Alex Schroeder’s Diary β€” Episode 49

GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus β€” Gibson's theory of ecological vision

Official Project Gemini news feed β€” Some plans


Rob's Gemini Capsule β€” Oversharing

Gemfeed of β€” Gemtexter 2.1.0 - Let's Gemtext againΒ³ bphflog β€” Redefined

silicate sediments β€” can i say something mean? β€” Re: Hasta quΓ© punto es importante tu identidad y el anonimato

Birchkoruk's Gemlog β€” painting the roses red

Locrian.Zone β€” Recipe added for carrot dogs.

Locrian.Zone β€” Recipe added for azuki bean paste.

JeanG3nie's gemlog β€” The discussion that won't die

winter's gemlog β€” The Birth and Death of the Yesterweb

2023-07-20 bphflog β€” Golf Log Commands

Gritty's Gemlog β€” Antenna

neil in gemini space β€” cuttlefish


Alex Schroeder’s Diary β€” Torture in fiction

Alex Schroeder’s Diary β€” OpenThesaurus fΓΌr den Dict Server local einrichten

Alex Schroeder’s Diary β€” Seemannssprache fΓΌr Dict

slondrlog β€” Blueprinting Gemini Base Tests

moddedBear's capsule β€” Maybe MacOS Isn't That Bad?


Rob's Gemini Capsule β€” Book Review: Mindstar Rising

πŸ”₯ Smokey's Gemlog β€” Why are people tech illiterate? Ideas on curiosity and technological magic

joneworlds β€” Some unnamable juice.


A chronological list of all journal entries. β€” So it's been a month, huh?

Saayaa Spacelog β€” Changing How I Consume Visual Content

πŸ€– kelbot's gemlog β€” Books and Zines

dimkr β€” My Gemini Retrospective β€” Sal del maldito edificio bphflog β€” Melody Chop Shop


JeanG3nie's gemlog β€” Dependencies

ew0k is a Teddybear β€” PLANNED ANTENNA DOWNTIME

Gemfeed of β€” 'Software Developmers Career Guide & Soft Skills' book notes

Lettuce gemlog β€” Old Computer Challenge 2023 Recap

silicate sediments β€” i don't like the term 'oldweb revival' very much

An Inhabitant of Carcosa β€” OCC 2023 Wrap-up

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β€” Old Computer Challenge v3: postmortem

GeminiLoggBookOberDadaisticus β€” Minimal audio toolkit

moddedBear's capsule β€” What's on My Phone 2023


ew0k is a Teddybear β€” When is It Time to Get a New Computer? β€” TPU with the Anycubic Vyper

Alex Schroeder’s Diary β€” Bots crawling my sites

thfr's Capsule β€” Medscape and Attention Economy

πŸ“ Korruptor's Gem Log β€” | 🍺 Oh for a local...

ew0k is a Teddybear β€” Not Quite the Old Computer Challenge

JBanana's occasional gemlog β€” Christina's 5 questions - July 2023 πŸ€”

winter's gemlog β€” Inside You There Are Two Wolves bphflog β€” Diet

Gemlog β€” Old Computer Challenge 2023 - Day Seven


Alex Schroeder’s Diary β€” Open table trade-offs

Gemlog β€” Old Computer Challenge 2023 - Day Six

bacardi55's gemlog β€” My manga collection

~ew's Flightlog β€” Old Computer Challenge 2023 (0) preparations

Official Project Gemini news feed β€” Extensive FAQ updates, more to come!

Martin's capsule β€” Inexhaustive Lsit of AI Models that works on RK3588

Metamatters β€” Gemkerkerkruip


道&c. β€” Synthstrom Deluge sound design

Gemlog β€” Old Computer Challenge 2023 - Day Five

Lettuce gemlog β€” Setting Up Void Linux on an Old Raspberry Pi

Solene's % gemini capsule - a gemini tech blog β€” How-to install Alpine Linux in full ram with persistency bphflog β€” Fake RNG for fake games


ReK2, Hispagatos - Personal capsule β€” USENET is ALIVE, long live NNTP ! bphflog β€” Conversation

Gemlog β€” Old Computer Challenge 2023 - Day Four

Martin's capsule β€” Rockchip NPUs and deploying scikit-learn models on them

Samsai's Gemlog β€” Heartbeat signal 2

silicate sediments β€” hello again gemini (catching up + capsule update)

Mkf's Gemlog β€” scripting for gemini capsule in shell again on MobaXterm

moddedBear's capsule β€” Omnium Gatherum

ew0k is a Teddybear β€” Four Leaf Clovers

Untitled webcomic β€” Communist Manifesto (227.7kb)


aggregated using comitium v1.8.0-be431586494c838d77082e919530dc33202dee34