Or whatever blogs are called these days, I don't even know.
2023-07-22 Duelin' Boots
2023-07-21 Redefined
2023-07-20 Golf Log Commands
2023-07-18 Melody Chop Shop
2023-07-16 Diet
2023-07-14 Fake RNG for fake games
2023-07-13 Conversation
2023-07-11 Chorale
2023-07-10 Rye Results
2023-07-08 The Ksh Dot Builtin
2023-07-07 '80s Style
2023-07-06 lp0 on fire
2023-07-03 Advertising
2023-07-01 An Origin Story
2023-06-29 yet more TOFU ruminations
2023-06-27 errno
2023-06-26 TCP Escoteria
2023-06-24 Cold Start
2023-06-23 Lemongrass
2023-06-21 authentic rogue programming experience™
2023-06-20 Tale Of Two Unknowns
2023-06-19 Yet More On Paging
2023-06-18 A Formfeed Rabbithole
2023-06-17 Communicative Culture
2023-06-16 Deliberate Practice
2023-06-15 Estación de tren
2023-06-15 Solaris
2023-06-14 The pipes, the pipes ...
2023-06-13 The GPL: A Postmortem
2023-06-12 Bad Loops
2023-06-11 Can a child process affect the working directory of the parent process?
2023-06-10 Shared Libraries
2023-06-09 Shell Script That Runs Forever
2023-06-07 Imitation
2023-06-06 Meanwhile In The Real World
2023-06-04 Degrowth
2023-06-03 Jevons Protocol
2023-06-01 Music of the Spheres
2023-05-31 Composing with Constraints: Episodes I-III
2023-05-30 Toy Orbit Simulator
2023-05-29 The HTTP client person as seen from Gemini
2023-05-28 You Are Probably Weird
2023-05-26 Small Errors
2023-05-24 On Profit
2023-05-23 Summarizing HTML: a quixotic and questionable quest with an overly long subject that has excessive alliteration
2023-05-22 Re: Bubble
2023-05-20 Guarded Commands
2023-05-19 Introducing the Broad Framework
2023-05-18 Threat Axis
2023-05-16 Going In Circles
2023-05-15 Ex Over Ed
2023-05-14 Linux: The Derpening
2023-05-13 OpenBSD vi Backwards Search Bug
2023-05-12 Re: The Trouble With IDEs
2023-05-12 Mountains
2023-05-11 Ripped Bodices for Killer Moons
2023-05-10 Dabbling with Misfin
2023-05-09 Fixed Fonts
2023-05-08 Not Growth
2023-05-07 No such file or directory
2023-05-05 Testing New And Strange Functions
2023-05-04 The Forth
2023-05-03 Memoization
2023-05-02 AI Ceiling
2023-05-01 A Brace Of Quotes
2023-04-30 Garden Path
2023-04-29 Git Foo
2023-04-27 Names II
2023-04-25 Strings To Numbers
2023-04-23 Seasonality
2023-04-21 Storn
2023-04-20 Testing the Network
2023-04-19 plaintext > *
2023-04-18 Whither The Apps?
2023-04-17 ci ponbau pemci pu se fanva fi le jbobau
2023-04-15 Breadlander: a use for Waffle Starter Remains
2023-04-15 //
2023-04-14 Normal
2023-04-12 Unchecked chdir Considered Harmful
2023-04-11 Pancake With Strawberries Recipe
2023-04-10 OpenBSD 7.3
2023-04-09 Dating Advice
2023-04-07 mbox maildir Other
2023-04-06 Re: Daniel Janus, Ted Nelson, and the Web of Documents
2023-04-05 The Shortening of the Way
2023-04-03 EOL Story
2023-04-02 Wacky Unix Paths
2023-03-31 Just Deserts
2023-03-27 systemd, a Retrospective
2023-03-26 Pizza Crust
2023-03-25 Who Goes First?
2023-03-23 Cronfail
2023-03-22 re kalte cipni
2023-03-21 "We come in Peace"
2023-03-20 Offline
2023-03-18 Fundamental Limitations
2023-03-17 Lost In Translation
2023-03-16 Crazy CDDA Moment
2023-03-16 The Shocking Truth About AI, Revealed
2023-03-15 Unlikely Unicode, Episode MMMDCCCXXX
2023-03-14 Extraterrestrial Signals
2023-03-14 ASCII
2023-03-13 Going Postel
2023-03-12 Feature Poor sudo Replacement
2023-03-11 T── on Technology
2023-03-09 Names
2023-03-08 Kraut
2023-03-07 Genre Buster Bombs
2023-03-06 Goldberg Email Rube
2023-03-05 Coffee and Tea
2023-03-04 xkcd://
2023-03-02 Legacy Web
2023-02-28 Unlikely Unicode, Episode MMCMVIII
2023-02-27 Bad $var Good "$var"
2023-02-26 .
2023-02-25 punycode
2023-02-25 Buggy Jbose
2023-02-24 Solutionism
2023-02-22 Injection
2023-02-20 Random SSL Things
2023-02-20 A Bear, a Priest, and a Comedian walk into a Finite Planet
2023-02-15 Christoffel Words
2023-02-12 The Long Boom
2023-02-10 Unix Agitprop
2023-02-09 Weird Terminal Things: SIGINFO
2023-02-05 Wrapper Script Etiquette
2023-02-04 A Tale Of Two Times
2023-02-02 48656C6C6F2C20776F726C64210A
2023-01-26 Brief Review Earth Knoll
2023-01-25 Floating Point Fun
2023-01-22 Unix Is Spawning Programs Weirdly
2023-01-19 Orphans Of Athens
2023-01-18 Host Only Relayd
2023-01-17 Cosmic Voyage
2023-01-14 A Wafer Thin Common LISP Package Primer
2023-01-12 Sans Shebang Script
2023-01-04 Log Analysis Pitfalls
2023-01-03 Rogue
2023-01-01 Yet More Testing
2022-12-28 Identity
2022-12-26 Tarai
2022-12-24 Trek
2022-12-23 Test Suite
2022-12-22 Unit Tests
2022-12-21 Boix: Political Order And Inequality
2022-12-20 Don\'t Quote Me
2022-12-19 User Agent And ACPI
2022-12-18 Overclocked
2022-12-16 DOLIST Pitfall
2022-12-15 Code Review
2022-12-14 Duplicate Environment Variables
2022-12-13 Yet Another Blog Engine Rewrite
2022-12-11 Editor 100% CPU Usage
2022-12-10 Death March Culture - In Praise of Idleness
2022-12-09 w3m Security
2022-12-07 Builtin Commands
2022-12-05 Weathering Heights
2022-12-02 Protocol Specification
2022-11-28 pixel-ed
2022-11-26 vi Exit Strategies
2022-11-19 Funny Web Things
2022-11-18 *print-circle*
2022-11-17 Regular Expression Alternation
2022-11-12 Pushing Pieces
2022-11-10 Common LISP Problems
2022-11-08 bphflog improvements
2022-11-05 Pop Ups are Terrible
2022-10-31 That Terrible Glob
2022-10-28 Lisp Game Jam 2022
2022-10-27 Rust: Nope, Not Yet
2022-10-25 Shell while Loop Considered Harmful
2022-10-21 Software Depot
2022-10-18 Continue Writing in Dead Languages
2022-10-16 Shell History: A Tale of Two Cities or at Least Two Very Small Opposing Camps in a Title that is Too Long, Whimsical, and Much in the Style of Don Quixote
2022-10-14 Software Portability
2022-10-11 10
2022-10-08 The Slope Equation
2022-10-07 Hierarchy
2022-10-01 Change
1901-12-13 Epoch Fail
1886-11-06 pa se benji be do'e le ze'u purci