Last updated: 2023-01-21
Just some collection of links
Drew Devault - Managing my dotfiles as a git repository
Sebastiano Tronto - Self-hosted git pages with stagit
GrapheneOS - The private and secure mobile operating system with Android app compatibility
DivestOS - A mobile operating system divested from the norm
Accrescent - Android app store focused on security, privacy, and usability
PrivSec - A practical approach to Privacy and Security
Think Wiki - Linux ThinkPad Wiki
Yubico - YubiKey MFA Security Keys
Devuan GNU/Linux - Fork of Debian without systemd
Alpine Linux Wiki - Setting up a Laptop - Test for modern Internet Standards
W3C - Markup Validation Service (HTML, XHTML)
W3C - Feed Validation Service (Atom, RSS)
W3C - CSS Validation Service (CSS)