Tux Machines

ThunderCast and Support.Mozilla.Org

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jul 22, 2023

=> /n/2023/07/22/Devices_and_Linux_Centric_Hardware.gmi Devices and Linux-Centric Hardware

=> /n/2023/07/22/Programming_Leftovers.1.gmi Programming Leftovers

Mozilla Thunderbird: ThunderCast Podcast #3: Behind The Scenes Of Supernova

=> https://blog.thunderbird.net/2023/07/thundercast-podcast-3-behind-the-scenes-of-supernova/ ↺ Mozilla Thunderbird: ThunderCast Podcast #3: Behind The Scenes Of Supernova

Hello Thunderbird family, and welcome back to a long-overdue episode of the ThunderCast! Ryan, Alex, and Jason get together to talk about the new features and improvements in Thunderbird 115 “Supernova.” But they also share WHY those features were developed, and what’s being worked on right now.
Plus, Ryan shares some breaking news about the future of the Thunderbird Project! It’s a casual, informative, behind-the-scenes chat.

Support.Mozilla.Org: What’s up with SUMO – Q2 2023

=> https://blog.mozilla.org/sumo/2023/07/21/whats-up-with-sumo-q2-2023/ ↺ Support.Mozilla.Org: What’s up with SUMO – Q2 2023

Hi everybody,
Today is literally my last day before I’m leaving for my maternity leave for the next 3 months. It’s a mixed feeling. I’m excited to stepping up and experience new things in my life, but also nervous at the same time since I’ve never been away from work this long before. I love being in the community with shared values and passion and I’m lucky to do that as part of my job. Many of you have inspired me in many ways and it never failed to reignite my excitement whenever I get bored with my professional routine. I can’t thank you enough for your continues support to Mozilla throughout this whole time and I don’t have any doubts that you’ll be holding on the forth just fine without me since you’ll be in a good hand.

=> https://support.mozilla.org/forums/contributors/716421?last=85784 ↺ a good hand

=> https://support.mozilla.org/forums/contributors/716421?last=85784 ↺ a good hand
