2023-07-22 eaplmx - ¿Por qué votar?
2023-07-21 eaplmx - Re: Hasta qué punto es importante tu identidad y el anonimato
2023-07-21 robert - Hello world
2023-07-20 dep - My blog's css
2023-07-18 daintyeco - the internet feels like it's dying
2023-07-18 eaplmx - Sal del maldito edificio
2023-07-16 treeshateorcs - golden rules (wip)
2023-07-15 cyi1341 - speculation on people and new things
2023-07-15 strayce - They trained me well.
2023-07-14 dep - Post to smolpub from cli with AI-generated titles
2023-07-14 dep - 2023/07/14 @ 11:18
2023-07-14 dep - A better smolpub.sh for MacOS (without readarray)
2023-07-14 strayce - First thoughts on Gemini
2023-07-14 strayce - Food systems and the myth of individual responsibility
2023-07-14 dep - Is Leon rich yet?
2023-07-14 daintyeco - can i "afford" simplicity?
2023-07-14 kngsly - Secure Your Corner
2023-07-14 strayce - Hello World
2023-07-11 daintyeco - working in a small team
2023-07-10 eph - denove kolera
2023-07-09 ddlyh - It Begins...
2023-07-09 dt - web frameworks
2023-07-08 eph - Posttenda festo
2023-07-04 eph - Intensa tristeco kaj ŝtormego
2023-07-03 protodrew - Working with Obsidian
2023-07-03 ddlyh - Mutt issues
2023-07-02 pinkvampyr - Rose's Recent Media Roundup and Review #1
2023-07-01 protodrew - The Consequences of Running Leftist Communities
2023-07-01 angel - Got a new job
2023-06-28 eaplmx - re: Leadership and Management
2023-06-28 eaplmx - re: Useless things?
2023-06-25 mybtm - catching up (four runs and the upcoming marathon)
2023-06-24 eaplmx - On creating useless things
2023-06-22 ddlyh - On Hardware