Tux Machines

today's leftovers

Posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jul 22, 2023

=> /n/2023/07/22/FriendlyELEC_Rockchip_based_SBC_offers_dual_2_5GbE_ports.gmi FriendlyELEC Rockchip-based SBC offers dual 2.5GbE ports

=> /n/2023/07/22/today_s_howtos.2.gmi today's howtos

Choice Happens: Why Mixed Platform IT Environments Foster Resilience and Freedom of Choice

=> https://www.suse.com/c/choice-happens-why-mixed-vendor-it-environments-foster-resilience-and-freedom-of-choice/ ↺ Choice Happens: Why Mixed Platform IT Environments Foster Resilience and Freedom of Choice

In the fast-paced and ever-evolving world of technology, businesses face a crucial decision – whether to adopt a single-platform IT strategy or embrace the potential benefits of mixed platform environments.

Linux Around The World: Columbia

=> https://www.linuxlinks.com/linux-columbia/ ↺ Linux Around The World: Columbia

We cover user groups that are running in Columbia. This article forms part of our Linux Around The World series.

Dolphin at Akademy 2023

=> https://meven.github.io/dolphin-at-akademy-2023/ ↺ Dolphin at Akademy 2023

I am returning from akademy and I had a great time, meeting new people or people I had already worked with online.
In particular I was very happy to meet Felix, my fellow dolphin co-maintainer. We get along very well together, this will only make our dolphin work more pleasant and efficient.

Why should I standardize my operating system?

=> https://www.redhat.com/en/blog/why-should-i-standardize-my-operating-system ↺ Why should I standardize my operating system?

"Was it yum?" "Maybe it was apt-get." "Oh wait, no… What operating system am I using again?!" Sound familiar to anyone? As a systems administrator, supporting Windows, Unix and Linux systems wasn't uncommon. Not to mention, I would be faced with running Ubuntu, CentOS Linux, Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL) and those weird appliance distros that loosely represented a distribution. Then don't get me started on the various major versions that would be in production at any one time!

Queryability and the Sublime Mediocrity of SQL

=> https://buttondown.email/hillelwayne/archive/queryability-and-the-sublime-mediocrity-of-sql/ ↺ Queryability and the Sublime Mediocrity of SQL

Most of the time you won't be using either model, because you'll be storing your data in a SQL database and representing authorships as a many-to-many table: [...]

FSF Blogs: Help us get twenty-five more associate members by July 28

=> http://www.fsf.org/blogs/community/help-us-get-twenty-five-more-associate-members-by-july-28 ↺ FSF Blogs: Help us get twenty-five more associate members by July 28

We are rebooting the current member drive with an extension goal to gain twenty-five new members by July 28. For those who join as new members during this time, we have a fancy genuine wood GNU sticker to reward you for supporting the FSF.

ASUS KGPE-D16, KCMA-D8 and KFSN4-DRE re-added to Libreboot

=> https://libreboot.org/news/fam15h.html ↺ ASUS KGPE-D16, KCMA-D8 and KFSN4-DRE re-added to Libreboot
